This blog is published for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the thousands of Muslims raised or reverts, or even non-Muslis, who might be living in areas where they are not able to experience Ramadan in a Muslim community; so we, at MWA, invite you to be a part of our community in Ramadan.

The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong) Al-Baqarah 2:185

Established in 2006, Muslimah Writers Alliance (MWA) is an internationally-based collaboration of Muslim women writers and advocates working together to counter negative and inaccurate perceptions regarding members of the Muslim community and the Islamic faith.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Reflecting on Ramadan, MWA Member Vanessa Rivera de la Fuente introduces her inspiration; daughter, Constance

This Holy month of Ramadan I've been taking any little opportunity to share with my daugther Constance about how Islam has been not only a choice about a religion and doctrine, but especially a life-changing approach. In this process, where I've got closer to Allah, and gained a deep inner joy, I've become also more sensitive to appreciate the kindness in everyone around and give thanks for the lessons I can take from.

This Ramadan I've found myself many times, like no other time during this year nor in my life, giving thanks to Allah for my daughter. Not only because motherhood is a blessing; since I reflect about her life and our relations I've found out, sometimes with tears in my eyes, how many lessons of life I've learned from her.

I have many models and ideas that inspire me, and I think every person is able to do it, since they decide to fight for their dreams and make a declaration of faith about life as a blessing and trying hard to make something good for themselves and others. But since Hipatia from Alexandria until my own mother, my favorite inspiration is absolutely my daughter Constance. (read more)

MWA member Vanessa Rivera de la Fuente hails from Buenos Aires. She is a Social Multilingual Communicator, muslim, feminist, and writer with a strong belief in God, social justice and love sustanaible development. She enjoys traveling, nature and cats. On Facebook:

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