This blog is published for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the thousands of Muslims raised or reverts, or even non-Muslis, who might be living in areas where they are not able to experience Ramadan in a Muslim community; so we, at MWA, invite you to be a part of our community in Ramadan.

The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong) Al-Baqarah 2:185

Established in 2006, Muslimah Writers Alliance (MWA) is an internationally-based collaboration of Muslim women writers and advocates working together to counter negative and inaccurate perceptions regarding members of the Muslim community and the Islamic faith.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

MWA member Rasha El Khateeb and daughter Mimi create a Ramadan lantern

It's official! Tomorrow (July 20) marks the beginning of Ramadan! So, I decided to share my daughter in making a Ramadan lantern (fanoos, as they are also referred to in Egypt).

We got cardboard, I drew with a pencil the Ramadan lantern on it, cut it through and let her color it. We both spent our time doing it and at the end I hung it on the wall and my daughter was so proud that she could do the Ramadan Lantern. It was fun, too!
Mimi coloring the lantern.
Yahoo...its done! Thank you mama for helping me. :-)

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