This blog is published for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the thousands of Muslims raised or reverts, or even non-Muslis, who might be living in areas where they are not able to experience Ramadan in a Muslim community; so we, at MWA, invite you to be a part of our community in Ramadan.

The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong) Al-Baqarah 2:185

Established in 2006, Muslimah Writers Alliance (MWA) is an internationally-based collaboration of Muslim women writers and advocates working together to counter negative and inaccurate perceptions regarding members of the Muslim community and the Islamic faith.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Remembering my father on Tariq's second birthday: a journal entry by MWA's Zabrina Abu Bakar

Today, 17th Ramadan 1434 is Tariq's birthday. He turns 2 years old today, alhamdulillah.

I brought Tariq to visit his Grandpa today morning.

I remembered how happy my dad was when Tariq was born. Especially when so many said Tariq has many of his features.

Last year my dad organized Tariq's birthday's celebration by berbuka puasa (breaking fast) at an orphanage home. We all went there to treat the orphans. It was a very beautiful and memorable day.

God has given my dad 2 years with Tariq but God Willing, I will keep telling Tariq stories about his grandpa so that he'd remember my dad, his grandpa.. as if he is still alive...
My dad on how to be a transporter of goodness: a journal entry by MWA's Zabrina Abu Bakar
A lesson from my dad on charity: a journal entry by MWA's Zabrina Abu Bakar
Love and mercy in Ramadan and always, insha'Allah: a journal entry by MWA's Zabrina Abu Bakar

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